A temporary power disconnection (sometimes known as a safety disconnection) is when the electricity supply is isolated between your home and the electrical distribution network connection.
Getting a temporary power disconnection is a short-term measure to allow you to complete work on your property safely when near electrical service mains (overhead lines or underground cables). Once your property works are complete, a power reconnection must occur to restore electricity to your home. This disconnection and reconnection often occurs at the power pole or pillar box outside your home.
Under new guidelines, Aurora Energy will provide funding for a "temporary disconnection of service mains or reconnection of service mains after a temporary disconnection, to allow customers to perform non-electrical building works." This includes activities such as tree trimming or house painting.
Effective 1 July 2024, customers will now be responsible for the cost of a temporary power disconnection and reconnection for any electrical building works.
As an Aurora-approved service provider, Delta can provide temporary power disconnection and reconnection services. All prices are valid as of 1 July 2024 and exclude GST. They will be reviewed annually.
Dunedin Metro | Dunedin Rural |
Disconnection/Reconnection | $140.75 | Disconnection/Reconnection | $199.00 |
Disconnection and Reconnection | $199.75 | Disconnection and Reconnection | $254.00 |
Central Metro | Central Rural |
Disconnection/Reconnection | $185.70 | Disconnection/Reconnection | $345.70 |
Disconnection and Reconnection | $371.40 | Disconnection and Reconnection | $691.40 |
If you require a temporary power disconnection or reconnection, apply now.
If you require a new connection, connection alteration, or an electrical inspection, click here to complete a Connection Application.